Each creation should be a masterpiece.

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From literature professor to Chef

Working as a literature professor, Anita Aykazyan always dreamed of becoming a chef. After several years of contemplation she decided to follow her dream and pursue her passion for cooking. Soon thereafter, Anita began working as an apprentice for Chef Miki Zivkovic, in three of his restaurants.

After traveling to Italy and the south of France (Provence), she found inspiration and passion that reflected onto her cooking. Due to her drive and determination, Anita decided to start her own catering company. Her creativity and imagination is well displayed in all of her dishes, along with her colorful and distinguished palate.

Anita Aykazyan

Due to her drive and determination, Chef Anita decided to start her own catering company. Her creativity and imagination is well displayed in all of her dishes, along with her colorful and distinguished palate.

Chef Anita is certain that good food and laughter shared with loved ones are the most beautiful and important elements in life, and laughter is brightest where food is best!

Her experience as an apprentice and later as a distinguished chef has allowed her to confidently impress chefs around the world, as well as around her own table.

Chef Anita truly believes each creation should be a masterpiece, matching both the experience and taste.